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Middle School

Our Middle School includes sixth- through eighth-grade classes. We encourage the students to become more independent and responsible as they progress through our Middle School program.


Middle School Curriculum Details



Language Arts

Students in Middle School read a variety of literary texts including non-fiction, historical fiction, fantasy, realistic fiction, and biography. Story selections from the Language Arts text are used as examples of quality writing and to promote discussion and comprehension. Students are challenged to ask questions of the text and debate a story's theme, message, or ideas with fellow students.   Students are encouraged to apply literature lessons to daily life and to make personal connections with the text.


The writing process in Middle School emphasizes editing and revision, vocabulary expansion and application, and factual research. During the writing process, students work on drafts independently and participate in peer reviewing and editing. At the end of the writing process, students complete the final draft of their paper on the computer.


The vocabulary curriculum teaches students the Latin roots of words, prefixes and suffixes, synonyms and antonyms, and a word's application in writing and speech.




The curriculum in middle school introduces students to certain areas and time periods of history. Students study past and present world and U.S. history through multi-sensory lessons. Each civilization study focuses on history, government, arts and culture, economy, religion, and geography of the area. Each lesson is organized so that students grasp history concepts through graphic organizers, simulations, content reading, and discussion and debates.




The science curriculum in middle school covers the scientific method, laboratory skills and techniques, life science, earth science, biology, chemistry, and physics. Students participate in many hands-on activities that encourage them to ask questions and draw conclusions. Scientific experiments require students to follow procedures, make predictions, work with variables, record observations, and determine conclusions. The curriculum is designed to promote awareness of science in everyday life and to prepare students for advanced levels of scientific interest and study.




Lower and middle school art provides students with the opportunity of using art to develop and promote self-awareness, creative individuality, and self-esteem. Each student is encouraged to approach each project in his or her own creative way. Emphasis is placed on elements of art, art history, cultural and traditional art, color theory, and a variety of artistic mediums and techniques. As students enter middle school, they encounter more challenging projects that help them experience a wide variety of various media, creative concepts, art terminology, and techniques.





The middle school music curriculum emphasizes music theory, composition, literacy, history, and appreciation. Students participate in group ensembles and learn vocal and instrumental repertoires. Throughout the year students demonstrate their musical knowledge and abilities by performing for seasonal concerts, service concerts, and music festivals




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